Table of Contents
- Machine learning: Benjamin Rosman gives us an introductory overview
- The rise of the machines in our quest to understand the universe: Michelle Lochner explains how machine learning is used in astronomy and cosmology
- Quantum machine learning: Betony Adams, Francesco Petruccione and Maria Schuld explain what it is and how it can help us
- Machine learning for biomedical engineering: A Stellenbosch University research group shares its machine learning experience
- Seeing spots and counting chirps: Ian Durbach tells us how machine learning can be used in ecological surveys
- Shark! Machine learning for beach safety
- #LINO19: Katekani Shingange and Francis Otieno tell us about their Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting experience
- Building new forms of matter, brick by LEGO® brick: Ben Skuse reports on the #LINO19 lecture by Wolfgang Ketterle
- Fifth centenary of world’s first circumnavigation: Helen Swingler reports on an exhibition to mark the quincentenary
- Scientific repercussions of the first circumnavigation: Álvaro de la Cruz-Dombriz shows how discoveries made 500 years ago remain relevant today
- Standing up for clean air: Danielle Millar and Caradee Wright highlight the need for action on air pollution
- ASSAf reaches out for National Science Week
- Wood-munching fungus has genome decoded
- Body of work on Basotho medicinal plants
- My science fair journey
- Math-Art steams ahead
- Nectar-lapping lizards pollinate hidden flowers