Dear Science Colleagues,

It is almost time for us to start working on the next edition of QUEST, the official quarterly publication of the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf), which will be published end September.

As such, we are putting out a call for article submissions to relevant South African science and research institutions (space permitting). This is a chance to popularise the latest research from your organisation by submitting a popular article (700 to 1000 words) by your scientist/s or researcher/s, for a deadline of 5th August. Articles to Quest are aimed at Grade 10-12 learners – both print and online ( The articles are text-light and photos/infographics/visuals are preferred. ORCID of researchers will be included.

The next edition is dedicated to the theme of the FAO’s International Year of Artisanal Fisheries and Aquaculture (IYAFA 2022), but submissions do not have to be tied to the theme and can be on any new South-African science.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and to discuss potential article topics.

Kind regards,

Fanie van Rooyen (editor) on behalf of the QUEST Team at ASSAf
RS van Rooyen

Writer & Sci-Tech Communication Specialist
Editor: QUEST magazine ( – 
BA Soc.Sci. | BPhil. Hons. Journ. | MA Journalism
(+27)82 388 0626